Who We Are
Purpose and Responsibilities
The Idaho Association of Highway Districts (IAHD) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan service organization dedicated to the improvement of highway districts. It was designed with the objectives to oversee legislation affecting highway districts; educate highway district officials to continually improve management policies and practices; and assist members to find or obtain technical and legal services.
The IAHD is funded annually through dues paid by member highway districts and revenues generated by IAHD services. The bylaws of the IAHD provide that a Board of Directors shall be comprised of highway district commissioners who are elected at the IAHD Annual Convention by the membership to aid in governance of the Association. A nominated five-member Executive Committee has the authority to manage the legislative matters and routine affairs of the Association. The president has the authority to appoint the executive director to serve at the pleasure of, and under the direction of the Executive Committee. It is the executive director’s responsibility to manage the affairs of the IAHD under direction of the Board.
About Highway Districts
In 1911 the Legislature established highway districts to improve and maintain local roads within their jurisdiction. This act, known as the Highway District Law of the State of Idaho, outlines the responsibilities, requirements, and funding for highway districts, commissioners, and employees (Ch. 55, § 1, 1911 Idaho Sess. Laws 121, 122).
Today, the Gem State has a total of 63 highway districts that oversee supervision of over 12,000 miles of road. Each highway district is responsible to plan, design, construct, preserve, and maintain roads and bridges within their jurisdiction that are not under control of a state agency such as an incorporated city, or federal control.